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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

how to be creative

gapingvoid%3A how to be creative

ummm,, it does what it says?,,,?

Mulsanne Corner

Mulsanne%27s Corner

Holy crap! A really interesting technical overview of great Le Mans cars, what do you know! Later, they'll do something useful likel look at F1 cars the same way (without a pay service ATLAS!)

Friday, August 20, 2004

Monday, August 16, 2004

Cheap Stingy Bastard: Digtal Camera

Cheap Stingy Bastard: Digtal Camera

I swear that, at some point in time, I'll save big money with this!!!!

ahh the wave of silly joy washes over me!!

Hall of Technical Documentation Weirdness
Hall of Technical Documentation Weirdness, yes, finally what "NOT" to do with your new antenna, and other needless images that will make milk bubbles come out your nose (especially funny if you're not a milk drinker!)

Thursday, August 12, 2004

AUTO2010: Future of car and automotive transportation

AUTO2010: Future of car and automotive transportation: "suction-traction 'Remora.' "

I can't believe this is the only picture of this I can find! Go see the remora car, be flabbergasted. Move on

give it away give it away give it away now

collision detection: a blog of clive thompson

ooh free games, from rock star even no less!! (just download and probably tell they what you plan on naming thier,, er your firstborn)

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

great maps of marin!!!

Pease Press Home
use the maps Luke!

MIT, go there, don't have to be there!

MIT OpenCourseWare | OCW Home

yeah, finally some decent at home learning,,
It's friggin MIT people!!! (does Cal Tech have one of these?)

hook a celly up!

Modphone� :: Stingray Phones

umm, I'm a little frustrated, these guys don't say how much their product costs, I'm sure it's a pretty penny. Anyway, it's the only way I know to swath a cell phone in stingray skin. Coool

Monday, August 09, 2004

what the hell did you just hear?!

YES, Inc. - Interactive Radio and Television

go hear, find out the name of the song, per your radio station, and where you live, then bitch and moan about the group that just played properly!

make your own little handheld!!!

gumstix - all things small

ooh, this is a cool site,, if you want to design and program your own itty bitty computer!

mmm, halfbakery!!! (potheads need not apply!)

recent 3

got an invention that is ridiculous, here it is!!! (now don't bring it to me!)

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Hey Fred! Fix your Palm!!!!!

palmOne - Support - Warranty Information (U.S.)

Note to self,, click on this ya numbskull!!!!

just plain great injection molding data

IDFuel, the Industrial Design Weblog
check the links and stuff! great for injection molding and overmolding data.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Waterball Launcher

Waterball Launcher

coem on, someday, I have to have a waterball!! (oh, and you can watch the commercial too!)

Monday, August 02, 2004 How things get done

Welcome to How things get done

well, this is just how things get done I guess. umm, so if you do stuff, go here? Hang on a sec, I'm going to make a needlessly audacious statement and meekly attempt to back it up and,,, oh, right, they've already done this. Oh well, at least it's well done.

Inventor of Pop Rocks candy dies Bill, we never knew ye,, Thank You.

KESQ NewsChannel 3 Palm Springs, CA: Inventor of Pop Rocks candy dies in Stockton at 92

Sadly we must report that the developer (inventor is such a dirty word) of Pop Rocks, our beloved candy has died. It is truly a sad time. I hope that we all can remember this as a national holiday.

In related news, I shall now reveal a small combination of two of some of Mr. Mitchell's greatest creations.

Jiggly Pops:

Make Jello Jigglers, with half the required water, then use clear (unspiced, sorry Mon Capitan) Rum for the other half of the liquid. (please be over 21 for this delightful snack)

Then, just before serving, sprinkle liberally with Pop rocks on top of the jigglers,

Now, you two have made your own Homage to our beloved Mr. Mitchell.

Seat Blasphemy meter to YEEEHAWW!!!!!


ok, so if you don't watch this trailer your life is slowly decreasing. Remember to be blashphemous, and to enjoy entirely the movie on the way (it's a trailer, have quicktime,, then LAUGH!)