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Friday, October 28, 2005

Fuel cell tastic, and "still flying"

So you may remember the coolest little RC airplane I blogged about waaaay back. Well here's the first real review I've read about it, and, It's AWESOME!!!!

Ahh, see I would've been right and would've set the toy company I used to work for straight!

Alas, it was not meant to be.

Also, as you know I used to design for the great Sharper Image, and well, that genius that gave us all the wonderful blue LED (that has helped form the latter company's designs), is now working on a kick ass fuel cell system. Gosh he's a smarty!

Oh yeah, and for some reason I can't upload my images to blogger anymore, what up with that?!

George Takai is fab, but so is this lab

Yes, Sulu is gay, get over it middle american weirdos!

But this Fabrication system thanks to our buddies at MIT is really cool, it's to make and put together anything, from anything, (basically, super machine shop). Just really neato (I want one completed in a garage! (that I also want))

Sadness, and Happiness, all at once.

Porkins is dead. Rest easy Red six. The great William Hootkins has passed away. He will be missed (but never by the imperials, no matter how many times we watch). You made us always love the extras. You were the best of them all. (I'll have to put his picture up later, but you can see him at this link here)

Also, in recently outed news, Sheryl Swoopes, and George Takai. Hey people, I wonder, why are people afraid of those who are gay? It's not that big a deal, remember that life liberty and pursuit of happiness thing? Let them get married already! In the words of some comics "They have every right to be just as miserable as the rest of us." It doesn't hurt anyone. It makes people happy, and well, there's no reasonable reason they shouldn't marry. Some of the best relationships out there are gay people, so cut them some freaking slack!! (oh yeah, and you beards, it isn't helping). Arrrgh!!! Oh yeah, and you can't "Get Gayed!" People that shy away from people who are, and think "gay people are going to get them, and turn them gay" are absoloutely insane! (well, they're probably big fans of that guy on the plus too.

Well, enough preaching, enjoy the star warsy goodness of the star wars website

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Retreat!!! Bookworm!!!

ok, so as we've previouslyconfirmed, I'm a weirdo, so here's three books to read, that will not increase your IQ one lick, (unless you're doing production design for a movie and want to learn stuff).

The Science of Star Wars: An Astrophysicist's Independent Examination of Space Travel, Aliens, Planets, and Robots As Portrayed in the Star Wars Films and Books

The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide

The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons (Star Wars)

You know,, if ya wanna do any reading.



Get your star wars mask here!!

(I love star wars, duh)

Oh yeah, and a great article on non-violent resistance in gaming form (just in case you need to overthrow a despot or three) Good people, take a look!

What are you going to be for halloween? Comment and tell me! (I may steal your idea, but mine is the man in the big yellow hat (doubt I'll put in the effort though!))

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Ach! The wee pintlings!!!

So the folks over at Ardman studios...
Who you say?

Wallace and Grommet,, Chicken Run,, those guys,


yes them,

Well, they're wishing you a happy halloween with beer.
Go to this site, bring your quicktime, and enjoy!

Oh, and I hope you're lucky enough to be a Guiness Believer!!
Those who know, smile, those who don't, be a bit more sad.

Mother in law jokes (she sent)

Yesterday I was having some work done at the Ford dealer. A woman, blonde no less, came in and asked for a seven-hundred-ten. We all looked at each other and the mechanic asked, "What is a seven-hundred-ten?" She replied, "You know, the little piece in the middle of the engine, I lost it and need a new one. It had always been there." The mechanic gave the women a piece of paper and a pen and asked her to draw what the piece looked like. She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710. He then took her over to another car which had the hood up and asked, "Is there a 710 on this car?" She pointed and said, "Of course, it's right here."

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Two quickies

First, hey! What about me?!

Here's my portfolio linked at coroflot, where us industrial designers can be found.

Second, Kevin Kelly's cool tools. If you're unaware, you're out of excuses now!

Have a great today!

Go SOX!!! (white this year, red last)

Monday, October 24, 2005


5ives!!! is a great site of, well, 5ives. (not Burl ives!)

It's just fun

Also, here's a great link for Erik's trains!!

Flock You!! (did I post this already?)


It's where we're going. (with the whole web thing)

oh yeah and 43 folders is cool too.

mix thouroghly and help me make it all work too! (special awards for big help!)

I have no time for paranoia!!! (do I?!)

So, I'm tired of the general web paranioa. Too much of ourselves is online, but that is a small price to pay for the access to the wealth of knowledge that is out there. Sometimes, it just blows me away.

Just surprised that's all.

also, any of you industrial designers out there, what do you think of current advanced learning things online, and do you know of more than designboom and gnomon.


Great Human Factors Links (for me, not U)

Here we go


Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

Bad Human Factors and designs


Every once in a while, we need these things!

And just in case you forgot, worth1000 rules!!

Too Much Monday Morning Goodness!!!

First, I found that the great Renault engineering team that won the F1 world championship this year played we are the champions with their engine (Dyno #8)

Here's the link to it, (it's the Mp3) GET IT!!!

I spent friday night trying to find it, whew! Thanks Jalopnik!

We make money not art! Umm just go there! Today is filled with too much goodness to blog!

Also there's a wonderful photographer with some mesmerising stuff, the three gorges damn and some cool marble quarries, and,, just go there, you're welcome!

Last, this one about trends, kinda new and interesting, gotta look into this!

Friday, October 21, 2005

I don't even know what to say

Just click on the link.

I'm speechless and still laughing.

Happy Friday!

By and by,, is this Neti's girl from the beastie boyz?
(see link, it's slightly more comical as a pun then)
Now I shall explain another joke in a droll manner unless my editor doesn't let me publish it right here.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Space,,, Balls,,,,,

Umm, I know that by the title of this posting, and me, you're thinking,, Mel Brooks.

Well you're wrong!!! (this time)

First, I've got a great site about MIT's developments for new martian terrestrial suits. Pretty damn cool!

Second, Jacob sent me a great link for meatballs!!! (which is what happens when you're in space without a suit) what a coincidence!! Check out the Waikiki Meatballs!

Read This book!!!

Umm, ok, it's not a book, but if you either want to hide what you're reading, or just want to mess with people. Here's a great site that you can buy book covers you always wanted, er ok, that you can use to mess with people.

Oh yeah, and if you don't believe I'm a real person blogging.


hah!! (thanks Kent)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Do Not Move to Taun Taun!!

Ummm, Do not move to Tauntaun, apparently their damn sucks!!

(hint, it's the city below the damn that's about to burst in Massachusetts)

The Saturn V is now a wuss

Umm they're making a new big rockety thingy over at NASA.
By all accounts, it kicks ass!
I bet you want one!

Just don't strap it to a car in the desert and light it.
I'm just saying.

Captain, we need some transparent aluminum,,, DONE.

So umm, you may remember Scotty making transparent aluminum right here in the bay area, (you know, before taking the monteray bay aquarium's whales). Well, anyway, umm it's ready, (I bet they used voice activated computers too!)

Next up, a really nice replicator, finally I can get that Corellian ale I,,, oop! Right, that's star wars,, you're a dork too!

Neat things, ya know, for the kids

Check the New Nissan Skyline site here.

Ahh you folks over there, know what's up don't ya!

Check out the gallery, it's, well, freaking cool.

I actually like it, and would drive one,,

if it came to that.

Auugh!! Stop blog o' spamming me!

So that Mark Cuban guy (blog hero, money hero, pro sports team owner, all around neato guy) is up in arms, (as am I) about all the blog o crap that has been out there.

It's not fair, even when I, a lowly blogger, who likely, will never be read by humans, no matter how many times I tell them to, continue to get spam comments (rather than actual readers who find the things I find out mildly interesting).

Anyway, STOP the spam!!

Also, I's gots some new ideas!! Look out world! (umm, but I have to keep em secret ya know)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Fred's users guide (hints on what'll make this more useful for you)

Remember, you need to think through my little statements, AND, most of all, click on the links and see what's behind them! It's usually about 100% more interesting than my postings anyway! I'm just helping you out (plus I can come back and find em any day!)

-Your Friendly neighborhood Fred

Soon to come, "Shannon's ramblings!"

Monday, October 17, 2005

File this under "E" for EVERYTHING

The library of congress has a website.

I'm just saying.

Craniage a` Treo- On your intelligence!

So, Jeff Hawkins is a badass brain. He made a few little things like the Treo Phone, the Palm Pilot, and started the companies that sold these things. He's a multi-thousandaire who knows his neural pathways.

Check out his book (I've been dying to read it, but I'm kinda lazy) Here's the link to the website about the book (and the systems therein)

Also, a fun MIT Tech review interview with him as well.

He's just some brilliant guy you should know about. (kinda like me?)

A lot of info, in a tiny little space!

How do you slam as much data into one all encompassing picture to identify hidden trends? Why Visual Complexity of course, well, that's the name of a site with some of the coolest datasets there are!!!

Check the site out through this link.

Oh, and have a nice complex day!

old school, is now new school (do ya feel smarter?)

Thanks to Jeff for this great link.
This is a cool shoe site to buy all the best old school kicks you can think of! Tigers! Kangaroos! And MORE!!!

(ok, so I want some of the sweet driving shoes!)

Just until I get my own car to drive ok

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Screw You Devil!!!

This is a great article about the different personalities needed for innovation. It's from the folks at fast company, who do some really great stuff!!

As you probably know, I'm an innovation nut, and showing how to improve it will ALWAYS interest me. Got any great ideas or questions? Slap em in the comments! (unless they're ads!!)


Monday, October 10, 2005


These guys are.

(click here for link)

You think you've got the luck?! What about this guy!?

So umm, there were two important runs in Houston yesterday.
Well you know how people dream about catching even a fly ball?

Well this guy caught the grand slam that sent it to extra innings,
the homer that ended the longest playoff game at 18 innings!

So, ya still think you're lucky?

This place is a DUMP!!!! (for boats)

There's a great gallery of amazing pics of rusty old abandoned boats. It's just super neato!

So much coolness today!!! Wow!!

So there's a great link here (click on here!) to show you some great new info on the Chronicles of Narnia movie coming out! So very cool!

Next, our friends over at NASA are doing a great new sailplane that can find it's own thermals and learn on it's own to stay up for Looong periods of time.
They do such cool stuff!!

Oh, and in the world of "kick ass things you can do to wine" There is this great article for an AMAZING device to age wine! A truly astounding and wonderful development.

Have a great week kiddies!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Finally I can patch my clothes correctly!!! 501s? No 501st!

So, like check out these awesome star wars patches!!!!
(that's all)

Yayy!!! Old Time Radio!!! (oh, you mean I'm the only one that cares?)

Umm, so like,, I was really excited to see this

(click this for the link)

Maybe you're not into the old time radio serials like sam spade.

Well maybe you suck!

Help me find the folding spacecraft!! Hint, it's Russian!

Itas Tass is reporting that a Russian "fold up" spaceship, was launched, (hint, it's a prototype).

So far the info I have so far is this link only.

I wanna see what it looks like people!

Itty bitty twister?!

The tiniest motor you've never seen? Yes, a new, awesome little nano-motor.
just hit the link and check it. Some day, you too will have medicine that you can turn on by an rfid chip! (or maybe not)

DARPA racing,, catch the fever!!!

So yes, the DARPA grand challenge is on for tomorrow (10/8/2005)
You can watch it here (webcast)
10 hours of riveting, edge of your seat, race-bot action.

Sadly, the Cal entry ghostrider, (a robotic motorcycle that is waaaayyy too cool for it's own good (you may remember I noted it a few pages back)) didn't make it. But best of all the "Spirit of Christianity" didn't get in either! Hah!! Fundies make me laugh! Especially when they use the power of prayer to solder their circuits for them!

Anyway, I don't preach here I just shows ya cool, so go there, and check out Terramax!!! It's AWESOME!! Imagine a HUGE machine that's all robot and can drive over everything, then autonomously drive it from LA to VEGAS!!!! Yeeehaaaw!! Go Terramax! Beat Stanford!! (just because!)