Twitter Updates

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

tRying oUt the new stuff

kinda interesting so far,, learning how it all works, plugging in the widgets. It's been weird,, catching up to the rest of the tots.

Also, been doing the whole linked in thing. Are you there?

Google reader, it's fun, it's helping me read waaayyy too much waaay too often.

Jeeping the Rubicon,, you've got to do it. It was an amazing trip filled with exciting driving, some of which I even got to do.

More when I'm paying more attention to,

Friday, July 20, 2007

a few mild changes in the last,, has it been this long?

O, so there are a few changes..

First, I'm find-able now on (if you know who I am of course)

linked in



If you're looking for me on earth however, I'll be the one wearing pants most likely. That should help narrow it down.

Two of my new little projects are on the way now. We'll see how that all turns out,, more when sales appear.
I still can't bring myself to twitter. Is that bad? I just know I'll get overly sucked in and then,, fall into a hole of twitterness, eventually getting to the point where I tell you what the #2's are looking like (that seems a tad excessive doesn't it?!)

Oh yeah, I guess I'm "up" on plaxo too (wow,, that's really kind of a lot isn't it).

I really do recommend plaxo for organizing my contacts(and google reader, for saving me hours and hours).

That's it for right now,, more when I get around to it.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

It's been too long since I wrote a darn thing

Well things are slowly altering course here at,, well, me.

We'll see but hopefully some big news will be coming down the pipes in a bunch of new venues!!