Yes, Bazork! There, I've said it!!! Don't make me say it again!!
Actually, it's the name of a softball team, I'd been drafted. Typically I sit on the bench late friday nights while my fiancee, an ex-college level softball player goes out and hits it around with a bunch of serious softballers. While I myself, a definite "playa'" when it comes to ball/bat sports, sits on the sidelines, chomping on David sunflower seeds, and petting the team director's fearsome looking dog, that is probably only actually feared by it's food. It's rather hysterical to see a full size german shepard scared out of it's mind by the likes of me!
So anyway, upon arrival this friday, I knew something was very different, because my underwear was on outside of my pants. No, wait, that wasn't it, actually I hadn't surmised any difference in the day at all!! (my underwear is always on the outside,, of my skin!) The other team organizer looked at me and said, sheepishly, "can you play?"
"Sure, why not"
I don't think that they considered my response especially heartening, but what the heck, if I didn't they had to forefeight, which meant their hard fought season of undefeatedness would go right out the window, and I would have to go home early with my fiancee and drink beer. Which is required anyway!
There I was with my mitt tenderly bestowed upon my by my fiancee, she's the best, it even has the old Reebok pump for fit on it, (it sure makes it easy to find in the stack of gloves between innings!). They quickly decided the most appropriate spot for me would be where I would catch more balls than anyone, catcher! Why would anyone want to make me a catcher?! Yeah, I don't know either, I think when they figure that you're afraid of the ball they give you the one position where upon every pitch you MUST perform some sporting action, such as catching AND throwing the ball! Why again is that?!
So I did manage to actually catch most of the balls, luckily it is slow pitch and from what I can tell they have their own selective set of rules, which no one bothered to really tell me. Not that I minded, but since it was slow pitch the ball had to hit the ground before I could catch it,, oh and there was some lunatic with a bat about 2 feet from my head, so you can easiliy guess I didn't stand really close to them. Meanwhile there was a lot of taunting on the field, but stragely it was all done by the umpire, who mere inches behind me would make fun of both teams with impunity. Not quietly into my ear mind you, but loudly and with gusto directly to whomever was the offending lout that had made some silly mistake or onfield action.
On my very first hit, I ran to first at full speed, while the first baseperson, a rather shapely individual who was spandex clad, (and deserved to be) from the waist down , had decided that rather than to touch the base and allow me to challenge her by running over the base, stood directly on top of the bag. In my novice baserunning way, I managed to touch the front of the base, and then do some sort of dirt cartwheel car crash motion all at once into the dirt. Naturally I was safe,, and covered in some of Berkeley's finest,, dirt. I think it was the Bosox hat that insured my safety to the bag. Of coure on the very next play the inning ended as I was promptly stomped out at second base mere steps away from reaching safely.
I never did make it to second base, the entire game.
I also was able to leap, (I can still get about 2 feet off the ground) and snag a ball coming into home that actually held a runner at third base.
I did however manage to get to first base three of my four at bats, and get two rbi's which are apparently good things, though I had no idea what was really happening, I was far too busy running for my life to first base to give a darn what anyone else was doing. I haven't played any actul organized sports like that in so long that it was,, well, weird! I had waaayy too much adrenaline going.
I did manage to get one of the two game balls, which was odd, considering, that I was "Captain Afterthought! The man that happened to show up!" but oh well, free softball!
Anyway, there's my first real account of something that happened to me, and not you. Tune in next time when I discuss something vaugely, and notice where my hands are.
Oh yeah, and then we went home and instead of beer I had theraflu and complained about my newly pulled groin. Tim Rattay, I feel your pain.
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