Twitter Updates

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Good emergency info (just in case)


Hey! I found this great data at palmsource, and while I don’t know if it’ll save a life today, it could come in handy, find your favorite and store it in your palm, you never know!



Friday, November 05, 2004

YAYYY!!! The Episode III teaser is here!

Omi God! Omi God! Omi God!

It’s here!!!

Ok, so I know I’m a big huge geek, but let’s be serious, I’ve been waiting for this since I’ve been alive, so, get off my cloud, go to and watch the teaser trailer, and rejoice!!!!

And be, afraid.


Friday, October 22, 2004

testing for the new email style posting and simplicity

Ok, so if you haven’t seen this site yet, and you’ve never been there, and you’re interested in technology, well then you’re an idiot.


Go there, but only hourly and on weekdays, cause they sure as heck don’t answer on the weekends!! (ok, maybe they do, but I have no way of knowing!)


Have a happy day!  It’s Friday!!!!!!


 Later –H.B.

Friday, October 08, 2004

proof of an idiot! - Love Docs

well, I don't do political stuff, but,,,,

Thursday, October 07, 2004 - BRABUS Accessories - BRABUS Accessories

my new fetish object!!! I've got to get the brabus roadster!!! It rocks!!!! (ok, I'll wait till I own the saturn, and the newest brabus is out, but come on! wow!!)

Wednesday, October 06, 2004



ooh! neat prefab home designs! Way cool! all great links and ideas, also a link to the dwell competition!

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Monday, September 27, 2004



Ooohh!! ohhh!!! This is so neat you've got to do it!!! Wow!! We can locate things and meet there, and rate them, and find good restraunts, and more stuff, and it's so cool!! I tell you it's Rad!!! (did I say rad?)

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Burning Man 2004

Burning Man 2004

An interesting burning man link, why don't you wonder more?!

Optimus Prime's sister was a stripper

?????????? 7/11????????

Believe it or not, the title is very appropirate and well worth viewing, just remember (in case you weren't born in the mid 70's) Optimus prime was a big rig.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

REI: Camping Expert Advice

REI: Camping Expert Advice

Geocaching is cool, so join in! this link goes straight to the geocaching hint of of all!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

CB2, a new destination from Crate and Barrel

CB2, a new destination from Crate and Barrel

Finally! More crate less barrel!! It's modern furniture from a big store! yayyy!!!

note to self,, buy this!! Guy Kawasaki is AWESOME!!! (plus there's a jump drive!)

Finally I can be on my favorite monster and he'll win!!

Kaiju Big Battel | Live Monster Mayhem

You've got to see this! Battling monsters, can there be any better live show?! (yes, but I bet this would come in a close third!) So go see it,, and tell me all about it!

Wired 12.09: Scientific Method Man

Wired 12.09: Scientific Method Man

Now this is my kind of science, finally someone who's looking for the right holes! I've wondered about this for years, and now someone's working on the right part of the problem!!! Cool!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

how to be creative

gapingvoid%3A how to be creative

ummm,, it does what it says?,,,?

Mulsanne Corner

Mulsanne%27s Corner

Holy crap! A really interesting technical overview of great Le Mans cars, what do you know! Later, they'll do something useful likel look at F1 cars the same way (without a pay service ATLAS!)

Friday, August 20, 2004

Monday, August 16, 2004

Cheap Stingy Bastard: Digtal Camera

Cheap Stingy Bastard: Digtal Camera

I swear that, at some point in time, I'll save big money with this!!!!

ahh the wave of silly joy washes over me!!

Hall of Technical Documentation Weirdness
Hall of Technical Documentation Weirdness, yes, finally what "NOT" to do with your new antenna, and other needless images that will make milk bubbles come out your nose (especially funny if you're not a milk drinker!)

Thursday, August 12, 2004

AUTO2010: Future of car and automotive transportation

AUTO2010: Future of car and automotive transportation: "suction-traction 'Remora.' "

I can't believe this is the only picture of this I can find! Go see the remora car, be flabbergasted. Move on

give it away give it away give it away now

collision detection: a blog of clive thompson

ooh free games, from rock star even no less!! (just download and probably tell they what you plan on naming thier,, er your firstborn)

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

great maps of marin!!!

Pease Press Home
use the maps Luke!

MIT, go there, don't have to be there!

MIT OpenCourseWare | OCW Home

yeah, finally some decent at home learning,,
It's friggin MIT people!!! (does Cal Tech have one of these?)

hook a celly up!

Modphone� :: Stingray Phones

umm, I'm a little frustrated, these guys don't say how much their product costs, I'm sure it's a pretty penny. Anyway, it's the only way I know to swath a cell phone in stingray skin. Coool

Monday, August 09, 2004

what the hell did you just hear?!

YES, Inc. - Interactive Radio and Television

go hear, find out the name of the song, per your radio station, and where you live, then bitch and moan about the group that just played properly!

make your own little handheld!!!

gumstix - all things small

ooh, this is a cool site,, if you want to design and program your own itty bitty computer!

mmm, halfbakery!!! (potheads need not apply!)

recent 3

got an invention that is ridiculous, here it is!!! (now don't bring it to me!)

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Hey Fred! Fix your Palm!!!!!

palmOne - Support - Warranty Information (U.S.)

Note to self,, click on this ya numbskull!!!!

just plain great injection molding data

IDFuel, the Industrial Design Weblog
check the links and stuff! great for injection molding and overmolding data.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Waterball Launcher

Waterball Launcher

coem on, someday, I have to have a waterball!! (oh, and you can watch the commercial too!)

Monday, August 02, 2004 How things get done

Welcome to How things get done

well, this is just how things get done I guess. umm, so if you do stuff, go here? Hang on a sec, I'm going to make a needlessly audacious statement and meekly attempt to back it up and,,, oh, right, they've already done this. Oh well, at least it's well done.

Inventor of Pop Rocks candy dies Bill, we never knew ye,, Thank You.

KESQ NewsChannel 3 Palm Springs, CA: Inventor of Pop Rocks candy dies in Stockton at 92

Sadly we must report that the developer (inventor is such a dirty word) of Pop Rocks, our beloved candy has died. It is truly a sad time. I hope that we all can remember this as a national holiday.

In related news, I shall now reveal a small combination of two of some of Mr. Mitchell's greatest creations.

Jiggly Pops:

Make Jello Jigglers, with half the required water, then use clear (unspiced, sorry Mon Capitan) Rum for the other half of the liquid. (please be over 21 for this delightful snack)

Then, just before serving, sprinkle liberally with Pop rocks on top of the jigglers,

Now, you two have made your own Homage to our beloved Mr. Mitchell.

Seat Blasphemy meter to YEEEHAWW!!!!!


ok, so if you don't watch this trailer your life is slowly decreasing. Remember to be blashphemous, and to enjoy entirely the movie on the way (it's a trailer, have quicktime,, then LAUGH!)

Friday, July 30, 2004

Alien Hominid - presented by

Alien Hominid - presented by

PLAY THAT FUNKY GAME BOY!! This game rocks, just click the "play this game" icon and thank me later!

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Phill Gives us a good reason to say "Shut up stupid!"

Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy: Home Page

This dude debunks bad psuedoscience, thank you Phil!!! (Read this and then let someone tell you we didn't land on the moon,, then smash their brain!)

MoCoLoco - Modern contemporary design & architecture

MoCoLoco - Modern contemporary design & architecture

oooh! my new fave blog site! It's got great ideas, lines, and generally cool stuff to check out! Get it while it's,, ok, just got there a lot and link stuff!

notice the offroad SEgway!!! arrrgh!

AllStar Interactive Games & Inflatables

one more reason stupid should hurt, a raised segway. Thanks ya All Star!

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Here it is Tristan,, the Returner

Sony Pictures - Returner

If you never believed in the transformers, check this trailer out!!! (it's on video now)

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

online quoting for manufacturing!

Vinyl Extrusion // Receive Quotes Online

this is really cool, for online outsourced manufacturing people can quote and have products made at a great price from trusted vendors, it's just too cool (why did it take me of all people this long to find this site?!) I'll never know.

IDEA 2004 Gallery "rampys"

IDEA 2004 Gallery

The designies!!!! Who'll win the rampy this year?!

button game

Don't Let Go

umm, this is dumb,, a definite waste of time. Really. So go do it now! (you're reading this aren't you!)

Monday, July 26, 2004

Independent Games Festival

Independent Games Festival
check it out



ok, so umm, downforce is no longer an issue!

weird hippie Japanese website, fish full of no haikus orangutan


yeah, I know what I wrote for a subject is confusing, click on the links, it still won't make sense!!!


The Friend Society - Animation

oh my god! oh my god!! oh my god!!!

Bananaphone!!!!! Metro: Fresno may lead country in energy Metro: Fresno may lead country in energy

ahh the possibilities, Fresno famous for its "clean air" I'm kinda totally flabbergasted, but then, well, there you go!!

Then again it is the town famous for making my first 18 years a living hell in terms of my health, so what are you gonna do?!

TECH TIME: 50 Coolest Websites: Complete List

TECH TIME: 50 Coolest Websites: Complete List

What a great freaking list of wonderful websites, a mildly useful compendium of hyperlinks,, it's like someone is trying to be useful or something!!! Wow!

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Please pass the asparagus!!!

Army rations rehydrated by urine | New Scientist

ok, ummm, so uhh,, this article (YOU HAVE TO CLICK THROUGH!) is about,, okay, Peeing in an MRE to rehydrate it. Yes, that can only mean one thing, and when I find out what that is, you can bet I'm definitely going to be VERY pissed off!!! (that was a pun too). go read and be afraid!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Friends of Tamarancho great rides in Marin!!!!

Friends of Tamarancho

Go here, help the boy scouts, ride the best, it's that easy!!!

| KDLAB V3 | Whoa!! cool!!!! go see it!!!

| KDLAB V3 |

ok, so I know I link to a lot of different neato things, this ROCKS! click on the word real, and start with the summer 04 Reel, WOW!!! Just do it, anything more will ruin the surprise! It's cool!!!

| KDLAB V3 | Whoa!! cool!!!! go see it!!!

| KDLAB V3 |

ok, so I know I link to a lot of different neato things, this ROCKS! click on the word real, and start with the summer 04 Reel, WOW!!! Just do it, anything more will ruin the surprise! It's cool!!!

Alp du Huez

Damn that lance guy is FAST!!!!!
Wear Yellow!

Friday, July 16, 2004

ummm, odd music, an odd new world, and well,, just go check it out ok!

Still Dana After All These Years
Dag Blog it!! This is indeed odd! but lots of fun, check it out!!!Neat art, odd music, and fun!!! Then again,, maybe not!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Make your very best "I'm surprised face!"

Yahoo! News - Courtney Love has a legal guardian and is in an "institution": lawyer

Well yes, courtney love has been institutionalized, and all we can think is,,, "Why did it take so long"!!

Thank you, you insane dumbass for continuing to provide more comedy than you ever intended!!!



More yum!!! making this tonight!!!

Kabob Grilling Slide Show

Kabob Grilling Slide Show

I know its MSN,, but YUM!!!! kabob!!!

Office Depot offers to recycle electronics for free - Jul. 13, 2004

Office Depot offers to recycle electronics for free - Jul. 13, 2004

Stop!! Too much usefulness!!!! Finally recycling!! What a thought!! Next thing you know, someone will make a trashcan that actually nicely sorts your refuse and recycling!

Radio-Controlled Pteranodon

Radio-Controlled Pteranodon

This one flies a crapload better than that Triceatorsicopter I used to have!

Welcome to the Jackito-TDA community website

Welcome to the Jackito-TDA community website

ooh!! Very interesting, someone has done some real homework, now will anyone buy it?!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Remote-Controlled, Throwable Robots Developed At Carnegie Mellon In Conjunction With U.S. Marine Corps Are Being Sent To Iraq For Testing

Remote-Controlled, Throwable Robots Developed At Carnegie Mellon In Conjunction With U.S. Marine Corps Are Being Sent To Iraq For Testing

ooh!! robotastic!!!!

Funfurde- words to live with


cehck this site out!! It's rather great! Especially the current posts, and wonderful links to a number of great retail and web based stores with great products. Oh just go look at it! Really!!! I mean it!!! NOW GO!!!!

Friday, July 09, 2004

Listen Live to Lance and Tyler

T D F - 2 0 0 4 : canal le Tour - OLN

Hey! Look at the top!!! Listen Live to Lance and Tyler Ride! Thanks Jenny #8!

Thursday, July 08, 2004

SolidWorks Tutorial, FREE SolidWorks 2001 Tutorial, Solidworks 2003 tutorial

SolidWorks Tutorial, FREE SolidWorks 2001 Tutorial, Solidworks 2003 tutorial

ok, so I needed a place to remind myself where I can find some tutorials, ya gonna blame me?!

NASA and Space Models

NASA and Space Models

oooh!! Today has a space theme! I get it!!! So go buy it!! Support our extraplanetary revenue generators! (plus it's a cool site!)

NASA and Space Models

NASA and Space Models

oooh!! Today has a space theme! I get it!!! So go buy it!! Support our extraplanetary revenue generators! (plus it's a cool site!)

Eagle Lander 3D

Eagle Lander 3D

Welcome to space!!! I'm your host buzz aldrin!!! (he heh heh, he said buzz!) Anyhew, check this software out, it's like totally 1960ish!!! Go fly the lunar lander dammit!! (then email me and tell me all about it!)

Go my little taikonaught!

SmartKlamp: Single-Use, Automatic Circumcisions

SmartKlamp: Single-Use, Automatic Circumcisions

Holy Crap!!!!! AUUGHH!!!!! What in the! Automatic Circumcisions?! umm, is this going to put moyles out of business? I'm confused and frightened!!!

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Lance, Go Dude!!!!! hit 6!!

Ok, so Lance Armstrong is hell on heels!! Already ahead thanks to an amazing team time trial, it begins now!!! Finally a reason to kick the crap out of the euro teams!!! At least we've got one real racer (I can't wait to drive F1 for the Red white and blue (and not france!))

Anyway, go check this out and cheer on the lance!!!!! Yahooo!!!!! (uh, I mean, POSTAL!!!)

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Tuesday, June 15, 2004



Oh my God!!! My Yahoo mail grew!!! If you had yahoo mail plus,, oh I don't know,, YESTERDAy! It's now got 2G of storage!!! All that and a brand new job!!! I think I'm gonna plotz!!!! Wow!!

Oh yeah, and I'm learning to get up early in the morning again, ugh,, but then again, I get home at a reasonable time, so it's all good!!


Monday, June 14, 2004

The Adventures of Seinfeld & Superman

The Adventures of Seinfeld & Superman

oh for God's sake go see this site!! It's wonderful! Finally Putty/the Tick, and the usual voice is helping Jerry as the caped one. It's great!!! Go watch!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2004

The Official Formula 1 Website

The Official Formula 1 Website

ok, ok, so I love formula 1, sue me. This site is decent and will always work, though I truly love even more, but I'll have to upgrade to their premium channel someday, (or maybe atlas f1, who knows!)

Thursday, June 10, 2004

More good news!

So I got the job! I got the new car! We figured out where the wedding is going to be! Can you dig it!? (thank you Shaq!) Anyway, I have to be vague about the job needless to say, yay!!!!

The car is the one though! I have, get this, power windows and door locks! It's amazing! I know, I know I've heard of them for years, but never thought that I would really get them, it's really quite something!

The wedding is beginning to take shape as well! What a relief, as we were trying to figure out a location and all that, and now, well it is becoming a possibility! yay!! I think we're going to host a full wedding website of our own, in addition to what we're doing for the whole various online registries. It's rather something how big the wedding industry is.

Also, been thinking about starting a band, Ian, you down? Yeah, I know, I have the musical talent of a squirell, but I think I can write lyrics and play the tyko guitar, or the clarituba. Something will come to me, anyway, I am becoming able to afford to live again, what a concept!! yayy!!!

Friday, May 21, 2004

Closer!!! Closer!!!

So to complete my application process my job interview count will now be a total of 5. Eh, it'll all be worth it!!! YAyyy!! At least I'm on track!!!

Oh yeah, and the last temping place is rather nice, they treat me well and all. It's quite nice! Plus I've been able to drive by my old office which provides a bit of surreality.

Plus the wedding process moves forward, thanks to the great Gabby who may have solved out wedding location problems!! That could be a HUGE weight off our minds!!!

Monday, May 17, 2004

Somewhere a Tuebner is Laughing

Ok, I admit it, I did it. I used an Apple software product, and, well, the damn thing works well. I know, I know, you guys have been telling me for years how great the fruit is, while all I can do is crash it in new and exciting ways, well, I get it. I tunes is great, I'll shut up now! Just go out and download it!!
aauuggh!!! Somewhere someone is mocking me!

Sunday, May 16, 2004

OY! The reformat continues,,,

Just a few programs in, and already a cleaner computer is emerging! It was hiding in there between all the quarantined junk!!! What do you know?!?!

Oy! I'm so glad I don't do this very often, it's hours later, and well, I'm still alive and mainly it's going well, which means the problems will occur later, oh well!! I ferry on!

could this work

ok, so I've made a few different link sets so people can find me!! 0y! These are some stupid and terrible names!

a free site, likely good for nothing classic_blue.html

a site that I will someday populate with stuff

this is my coroflot portfolio

someday I will join these together to form the u`ber Fredsite of evil! or maybe not.


Yes, Bazork! There, I've said it!!! Don't make me say it again!!

Actually, it's the name of a softball team, I'd been drafted. Typically I sit on the bench late friday nights while my fiancee, an ex-college level softball player goes out and hits it around with a bunch of serious softballers. While I myself, a definite "playa'" when it comes to ball/bat sports, sits on the sidelines, chomping on David sunflower seeds, and petting the team director's fearsome looking dog, that is probably only actually feared by it's food. It's rather hysterical to see a full size german shepard scared out of it's mind by the likes of me!

So anyway, upon arrival this friday, I knew something was very different, because my underwear was on outside of my pants. No, wait, that wasn't it, actually I hadn't surmised any difference in the day at all!! (my underwear is always on the outside,, of my skin!) The other team organizer looked at me and said, sheepishly, "can you play?"

"Sure, why not"

I don't think that they considered my response especially heartening, but what the heck, if I didn't they had to forefeight, which meant their hard fought season of undefeatedness would go right out the window, and I would have to go home early with my fiancee and drink beer. Which is required anyway!

There I was with my mitt tenderly bestowed upon my by my fiancee, she's the best, it even has the old Reebok pump for fit on it, (it sure makes it easy to find in the stack of gloves between innings!). They quickly decided the most appropriate spot for me would be where I would catch more balls than anyone, catcher! Why would anyone want to make me a catcher?! Yeah, I don't know either, I think when they figure that you're afraid of the ball they give you the one position where upon every pitch you MUST perform some sporting action, such as catching AND throwing the ball! Why again is that?!

So I did manage to actually catch most of the balls, luckily it is slow pitch and from what I can tell they have their own selective set of rules, which no one bothered to really tell me. Not that I minded, but since it was slow pitch the ball had to hit the ground before I could catch it,, oh and there was some lunatic with a bat about 2 feet from my head, so you can easiliy guess I didn't stand really close to them. Meanwhile there was a lot of taunting on the field, but stragely it was all done by the umpire, who mere inches behind me would make fun of both teams with impunity. Not quietly into my ear mind you, but loudly and with gusto directly to whomever was the offending lout that had made some silly mistake or onfield action.

On my very first hit, I ran to first at full speed, while the first baseperson, a rather shapely individual who was spandex clad, (and deserved to be) from the waist down , had decided that rather than to touch the base and allow me to challenge her by running over the base, stood directly on top of the bag. In my novice baserunning way, I managed to touch the front of the base, and then do some sort of dirt cartwheel car crash motion all at once into the dirt. Naturally I was safe,, and covered in some of Berkeley's finest,, dirt. I think it was the Bosox hat that insured my safety to the bag. Of coure on the very next play the inning ended as I was promptly stomped out at second base mere steps away from reaching safely.

I never did make it to second base, the entire game.

I also was able to leap, (I can still get about 2 feet off the ground) and snag a ball coming into home that actually held a runner at third base.

I did however manage to get to first base three of my four at bats, and get two rbi's which are apparently good things, though I had no idea what was really happening, I was far too busy running for my life to first base to give a darn what anyone else was doing. I haven't played any actul organized sports like that in so long that it was,, well, weird! I had waaayy too much adrenaline going.

I did manage to get one of the two game balls, which was odd, considering, that I was "Captain Afterthought! The man that happened to show up!" but oh well, free softball!

Anyway, there's my first real account of something that happened to me, and not you. Tune in next time when I discuss something vaugely, and notice where my hands are.

Oh yeah, and then we went home and instead of beer I had theraflu and complained about my newly pulled groin. Tim Rattay, I feel your pain.

Time to start the blogging!!

Ok, so I've got a blog location, and I even set out a bit of the beginnings of a website. Though I doubt humans will ever read this, it's a nice outlet for me. There are a few things to begin worrying, blogging, and generally kibitzing about.

I will now begin to digress.

oh yeah, and the H.B. stands for Human Being. I've been using it after my surname for quite some time (I was actually informed a few years ago that I'd been using it since high school! that's pre 1993 for anyone counting).

We press on.