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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Nice Astra!!


What Will Schumi do next?! This!!!

You'll laugh

You'll cry,,

But only if you know who 7 time world champion Michael Schumacher is.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Rock the NNAKA!! That's Hannukah slowbies!!!

Time to bring the fun with Jdub records.

Reboot, highly kosher bizdevrockin.

Over at the PJalliance (Progressive Jewish Alliance, not pajamas!) They're talkin bout the Vodka Latke Festival of lights! (SF/LA sorry right coasters!)

See how bad it is being a Jew from Fresno, I never knew about the Vodka part!!! (ok, no one I'm related to drinks, that splains` it well).

So get ready to light em up!! Get your fair trade gelt out (fair trade coffee too, come on, what else are you having with your cake?!) and rock the driedel old school!!! 1322 baby!!!

Keep it kosher and current.

What the heck, just move to Chelm! Thanks Golem, your oscar is on the way!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tuesday afternoon goodness, but it's MY goodness!

ooh!!! an easy way to learn about the web!

Gotta check these chairs!! They hold books!!!
Another book holding chair!

Thanks for those popgadget!

Oh and to my buddy Erik, here's a fun Train Blog! He's not well, he likes Trains, John Deere, and Fisk!

Oh yeah, and all you plus loving kids, get this for when santa comes!! (it's what's pictured)

Here's today's dose of Super!

To begin, there is CERN. You know, where the science comes from (and the chocolate, the Swiss Rock!)

Here's a group of videos that show how the ATLAS detector on the world's biggest machine works.

Here's a link to a company that makes sweet Heads up displays for biking, karting, and other forms of awesome racing! So cool. Thanks Gizmag

Oh yeah, and if ya wanna go grow your own ACL go here.

Doh! I almost forgot!

here's the fab at home main page

Monday, November 27, 2006

FSM, it's flyingspaghettimonstertastic!

ok Mike here ya go!!!

Flying Spaghetti Monster!

wikipedia's link


The Church of the FSM

That should explain it.

(oh yeah, and it mocks the idiots that don't believe in evolution if you hadn't figured it out yet.)

thansk wikipedia for the image!

Testing testing, this is only a test, if it were testicles, that would be different.

See it's just a test, in the event of an actual
testicle, you'd be at a bad site. Who wants to see

Speaking of which, Amy Sedaris has a new book, it
looks great! I can't wait!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I want!!!!

Ok, so it' s that time of the year again. So here's a way to know what to get for people (if they're named me)

you can always go to where I blog for this post

You can find my Amazon gift list

You can find my iwants list at delicious,

or you can always wing it with a Lotus Elise.

I'm just saying.

been too long, but I'm back on it!

You do understand, first of all, that Chuck is EVERYWHERE

Second, Russian Bears are cute! Especially if they're the basis for the 1980 olympic mascots and alcholics!

Blow me, as stated by a dolphin, (or something like that)

One of my new favorite bands! (oh yeah, and it's time for Mike to make his debut!!) Show me the bands buddy!

Nuts to you too buddy! Nahh, I'm just stressin out!

Hope your turkey day was filled with awesome!! If it wasn't,, why!? Oh yeah, and so you bloggers know, blogger is now hooked up under your gmail account.

P.S. you can find me blogging at now!! wahoo! (it's professionalesque!)