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Friday, August 26, 2005

Time for blobby fun!!

Go here, smile:)

Passion!!!! (umm that's what the blog is about)

This is a cool post about rapid development,, of anything!
Looks fun!
Try it! So build something already!

You might even like it!!

Tune in a bit more than Tokyo

Check out this micromotor surgical system, I am especially impressed by the use of frequencies to activate different systems within the micromachines.

Speaking of micromachines, I wonder what ever happened to the micromachine man!!!
(he did some fedex work too)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Special Alert! Bad web design still runs amok! (and this thing is COOL!)

This is an awesome climbing ascender. It's a rather radical and interesting design. Do click through, but there is a special bonus, ultra sucky web design. Sorry Elserpento!

Take THAT stupid!!

An interesting article about sea anenomes and how they maintain territor and space (from MSNBC) . It's pretty odd, and well, just take a look!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

If I drank milk, little bubbles would shoot out of my nose!!!

El Serpento,
is STOOPIDDD (But really really funny!)

Just laugh a lot, then go to the link below and laugh more.

Thank you Fark (go to fark a lot, it rocks).

That is all,
all the rest is commentary,,
go and learn it.

Oh nanotubes, I love you so!

A rather mundane post (discovery channel news) with some new data, but the nano revoloution is almost here!
Yes, we've been hearing about it for years, but now, things are starting to be actually made in labs, which of course means, that production is 3 to 5 years away of some amazing, and strange things that will seem to defy our known strengths and operation modes of our current existence.
A bike that stores energy and then can power itself, with full suspension that weighs only 5 pounds. A racecar that weighs a mere 500 pounds, yet can sustain impacts unfathomable today.
SUPERLIGHT sattelites that are more complex and successful than ever.

Just think strong, lightweight, and odd powers. Even the whole van der whal's forces of gecko's foot adhesion has been improved.

I can't wait!!!

Powered Morphing Wing, cooolness in a drone!

This project is simply cool (also reference the previous post with the itty bitty plane! (just scroll down).

Here is the project, and here is the video of the wings.

Thanks to we make money not art for pointing this out.

Out of this world? nahh, just Lunar

Lets take a listen to Lunar's ID podcast.

Thanks engadet and core 77 and everyone else that saw this.

Look What I helped make!!!

Yayyyy!!! Proof I've worked at Sharper Image!!
So yes, I did actually do work on this (earlier work, yet, approved actual work). Some of it is still barely visible!
The ipulse and isphere were done around when I was there and I worked on similar projects, but they will not see the light of the day.

Glad I have some proof for the portfolio!! Cheers!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Stupid,, ow, make it stop, (and get me one!)

Ok, so my running joke is that we have to get helmets when we eventually have kids, just for safety (hopefully they will ride the full size bus, but we will love them either way (if they ride the short bus they can go to work with daddy!))

but, ummm,, click the link.
oh, and it's called THUDGUARD.



Pat Robertson

(just click on the link, let the stupid seep in just a little)

Come on, watch Aeon Flux,, or you're just not interested

Aeon, nuff said.

Evil inside (hint, NO intel)

This is a great link from wemakemoneynotart about evil interiors (3d models)

Anyway, just cool and weird, and interesting.
I'm weird, we've gone over this.

Look to the right, you might see,,,,


Mad props to Jeff!!!

Ok, so I'm a huge dork (haven't figured that out yet? THEN YOU'RE NOT PAYING ATTENTION!)

This is the Wiffle ball site (official y'all)

Jeff, (a kind clever fellow I work with)
Was generous enough to hook me up with the cap on the right. It rocks and I look mildly handsome in it! Thanks Jeff!!!

(I don't have to report this on my taxes do I?)

Now it's time to rock in Wiffle, (before I go home and my wife strikes me out with her 70 MPH knuckleball!!! She can pitch!!)

Anyway, my sports occasional ineptitude aside, wiffle rocks, go out and play!

Serenity NOW!!!!!

Dear Everyone!!! You can now make reasonably sushi-like
looking foodstuffs on a daily basis now!
Not that I know anyone who craves sushi daily and nightly.
oh,, wait,, yep, that's everyone but Fresnans!!!
Hopefully these people will get clever and make a reasonably priced version of this.

Just think, you could put other things in there too!
Rice Crispies and Peeps!! (that's candy sushi!)
or Wheat germ and tofu (for you vegan hippie weirdos).

Anyway, this is just too cool!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Lincoln would love this,, as he too lived in a log cabin

Yeah, I think this looks great in a log cabin, and wholly wrong,, you know, anywhere else but near a woodpile. However, I do like the use of natural materials, and well, If you put it on the hearth, next to the wood you're going to burn in the fire, (and remember not to ever toss it into the fire). It could be really nice. But what do I know?

Friday, August 19, 2005

How do I get a new favorite site this quickly?! (check the monkey motion!)

So I've always wanted a neato little site that shows the majesty of neato motion. Well, my wish has finally been granted!

Videos and pictures, AND CAD files!!! That's amazing, I can just click and scale and shove them in mechanisms!! It's so cool!

Feel free to watch them all till your eyes cross!! Have a nice day!

Go through this site heavily, there is so much to learn, and you have very little time!!!

Totally Tooobular!!!

OK, dumb article name I know, but,,, Carbon Nanotubes are finally coming of age!!

Check out this article in Nature (oh my gosh, is this a technically valid news source,,, well wait! Yes it is!)

Also check the neat video link following! It's great, amazing, and mildly confusing, but altogether,, wow!

I can't wait to see nanotubes used in F1 cars!! Imagine cars with all the same strength and half the weight again!!! Super thing wing elements! Helmets that weigh half as much! Bike frames that weigh mere ounces and nearly indestructible wheels! All from a material that we'll never run out of! Oh yeah, and brake rotors with higher abrasion, and heat resistance, while weighing half as much! (note, lighter rotational weight means energy savings!! Hello carbon wheels on regular cars!)

It's just so cool!

Michigan state and San Jose state Suck,, but "This Spartan Life" !!!

ok, so this is abosoloutely wonderful!! I love making technology do what you want to do. The video blog? This Spartan Life, is so amazing, watch the Bob Stein interview for a start. I'm hooked! Now I want to go find them online! (yes I xbox live occasionally, freds4hb you know, it's me for everything)

It's such a wonderful piece of work! I wonder if there's a way to carry a sponsor's banner in game! (did I take the multiverse too far?)

Now we can get a sweet plane at home!

Thanks engadget! This is a sweet little plane that works indoors and is fully functional!! I worked on something simple years ago (and was told I was nuts, what's new?)

Oh it's just so sweet!!!

Also, check out the centennial challenges from our buds at NASA!!! Let's make some crazy stuff!!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Today there are cool things!

So I've been a fan of Seth Godin's writing for a while, he had a pretty neat piece today. However his #2 issue (flipping people to Macs) I've always had a problem with. Of course its cause I'm an industrial designer, and they don't make great ID software that runs on a Mac. Its just frustrating whenever you say you're a designer and they ask if you have a mac, I gladly would (even though it would cause me anguish (thank God they made a multi button mouse finally!)

Second, this is just shockingly cool! (click the link!)

Monday, August 01, 2005

I've been a bad boy and written nothing

So here's a quick update.

1. The wedding was awesome!! I'm now a Mr.! (ok, well I'm not a Mrs. but she is, so what am I supposed to say!?)

2. The honeymoon rocked! Literally! Rock climbing, mountain biking, road biking, and off road driving in Moab utah!

3. The Apartment is coming together! Our place is now looking interestingish (as will be cemented this weekend once the new couch gets here!) Plus new pots and pans and such!

4. So, I'm almost done with the dreaded thank yous, then free thinking all over the place! wahoo!!!

Here's something fun to check out today. It's Squid labs in Emeryville, these guys are pretty stinking interesting!