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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Underwater Brilliance!!

Check out this amazing article on Wired!! It's about a great team of kids in Arizona that made a sweet R.O.V. kicked M.I.T.'s ass, and still got shafted!!!

So help them out!!! This is the first worthy cause I've seen in a while (that isn't about helping people affected by the tsunami, or cancer, or other thing that belittles and destroys humans that can do nothing to stop it)

2nD life!! Money makin money money makin!

Check out second life, it's what's cool in weird, off world things to do.

Finally you can be a nerd, or a gym teacher, or a garbage man,, like you've always dreamed!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Coolest chairs ever (if yo've got space for em!)

Well, as we complete the move, we notice that there is no room for our table and chairs, (yes, we have outdoor camp chairs and rubbermaid ones only).

But when we DO have the room for it, check out some of these great chairs and other stuff in this awesome collections from gopingpong aps.

Cloven Magic!!

So, I found this online after a link from a home and garden show,, HOW was this not the article of the show!

It's a sweet looking garlic peeler!!! WOW!!!

My mind,, I do believe it is blown.

As for myself, Shannon and I have moved into the new place, wow!!
Now we have to set it up! (oy!)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Yeah Right Barry, "Muscle Weight"

So the stupidest man in baseball Barry Bonds admits he has a little problem with "muscle weight"
Possibly the quote of the year from such an idiot!

Just remember when he didn't have all that "muscle weight".

It's just ridiculous.

I was there in 1988, when dad pointed to Ben Johnson before the 100 meters, as he pointed nonchalantly and said "He's on steroids"
Where's your gold medal now ben? I bet he's lost a little "muscle weight" too.

Stupid idiots. They're as bad as the actors who never went to college that want to tell us all about their causes, since they have all the money and free time in the world and don't feel reality applies to them,, arrgh!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Thank you Yahoo!!!!!

So, ummm, I don't know if Bryan knows this is on Yahoo, but you should!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Whoever Tonx is,,,Holy Sit!

He takes great pictures! (you do have to clickon the images to see the full sets) He even gets mycological! I think I'll be getting back into photography, now that I've seen what I can do with flicker!! Wow!

ok, so I double up on this one, since, well I found something else infinitely cool, that I just have to get up now!!! Holy Sit!
It's a showing at cranbrook, and well, it's actually cool, and arty, and a little bit designy.

Plus for all you sickos out there, fancy computers from Qualia!
I'm not sold, but T is!

Wear Green, Drink Guiness, it's that simple stupid!

Wear Green, Drink Guiness, it's that simple stupid!

What my next office will look like! (thanks aint it cool and pixar!)

So the guy from aint it cool news got a drive through at the pixar studios right here in downtown Emeryville (for those of you who don't know I live in Oakland, that's why in the movie The Incredibles, he drives down a street called san pablo, I was in a theatre on that street while watching it, about a mile from the studio, it was a little surreal at the time (ok I just felt cool for no good reason))
Well, This dude got a tour of the studios, and well, best idea for offices/cubicles ever! Check it out!
Here's the link to his rockin article (the rest of the stuff is cool too)

Thanks aint it cool news dude!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Unionize! Unionize?! Unionize?

So umm this is something I always wondered about. There is no Industrial Designers Union, since we're a bunch of independent jerks. But there is this freelancer's union thing I've been hearing about for a little while and I finally found their website (thanks core77) It's interesting and give people who really need it a chance at retirement, insurance, and stability that regular people don't face (regular wage earners in a "in house" type position (that includes you hippies over at starbucks)).
Anyhew, way to go!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Adam West Rides Again!!!

Hey Tristan, Check this out!!!!

A totally cool batmanian movie, done rather well I must say!

Finally Duct tape wallets for free! Take that Kline!

So, ummm, all you duct tape wallet companies,, HAHAHHAHAHH!!!!!!
Now I can do it on the cheap!!! (Since I have's me some duct tape already!)

Thanks you guys and gal's at core77 for the tip

Monday, March 14, 2005

Whaoo!! The new machine is here!

So now I'm riding high at home with the pimpin' new machine!

3 Ghz 1Gig ram 256 Mb video
160 Gb drive.

It's like I can finally do some projects at home at full speed!

ok, ok,, ok,, so now my driving games work correctly for once.
Gee does that mean trouble for anyone? I guess so.


Dude, I've got a dell!!!

I'm still alive!!! (and they're not!)

Well, I did it, I made it to 30!!!
Here are some people that didn't

Robert Johnson (he started the curse off)
Jimi Hendrix
Janis Joplin
Kurt Cobain
Pigpen (Grateful Dead)
Jim Morrison
Brian Jones (Rolling Stones)
Nick Drake (an old 26)
Tim Buckley (a young 28)

Nanny nanny na nah!!!!!!!!
It's good to taunt death!

Magnetic paint! Sure! It'll stick like crazy (as long as you're a magnet!)

Umm, so this is a link to buy magnetic paint,, it's neato!

Linked from make magazine, (thanks)

Spike Jonze is still cooler than you! (and me!)

So, umm view this is a blissed out state. Spike Jonze still rocks (he made this for addidas)

Get Fuzzier or else!!!

So if your life is dim and dull and you haven't been readying Get Fuzzy on a daily basis,, WHY?!!?!?!

Anyhew, Here's were to buy Get Fuzzy Stuff too!!! I hope they have satchel's headband!!

I can't see you, but I can shoot you!

so you're blind, like video games, and want to play more, well, here ya go! Wired magazine's site has this to say on great games for the blind for your computer (come on, you know you want to play!)

Friday, March 11, 2005

If ever you were to waste a large sum of money, This, for ME!!!

Do umm, a lot of you know that I am a SUCKER for all things driving games. (formula one especially!)
Well, now I can drive my simulators correctly and feel the g-forces with this, the Mavromatic simulator (thanks gizmodo). Check this video out and realize that you must all go in together and find a way to get one of these for me!!! (I'm not beggni g or anything).

Hang on a sec, I must mop up my drool.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Find some decent trails! (mountain biking)

Well you could try here. or Here, or even back at the previous 2 times I wrote the word here.

Monday, March 07, 2005

No Pants Day May 6th!!! YOU WILL COMPLY!!!

So like, No Pants Day may 6th!!! What else is there to know?

Thursday, March 03, 2005

File it under T for technique!

Check out these hysterical comical type things! They're clickabletastic!

Thanks again Boing Boing, you're the best!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Arrgh! Nostalgia attack!! Everybody down!

Yeah, I had a quick nostalgia attack!! So suck on this a one time!!!!


oh yeah, and there's a link to some cool MASK stuff too!!!!

Well I hope you're happy!

I can see clearly now, just right through you!

I can see all obstacles, but for you!!! (did you sing it?!)

Anwyay, finally a little better development in cloaking technology. I only wonder, you know,, if it works. As I said to my buddy Stanley Pons and his compadre Mr. Fleischman,,,"So, ya think this works too?"

Who knows?!

Thanks National Geographic


Thanks Gizmag!
Found this odd bit of motor technology, it's rather interesting, but I admit I'd never seen any of it's ilk before (I guess that 's why it's "new" technology).

Anyway, the motor itself is rather intreguing, worth a look,,,, or else!!

When Cars dream, this is how they dream! F1

If you know me well at all, you know that for some crazy reason I LOVE Formula 1 racing!!! It's bizzarre, I'm American, and I love F1!! Go figure!

Anyway, Mark Webber (Williams driver) got the Bridge in Sydney Harbor to himself for a few high speed straights and U-Turns.

Oh I wish I was an F1 driver!!! Keep in mind the images ARE NOT PHOTOSHOPED!! This is what cars dream of!

Also go check out Gizmag!! It's loaded with techno fun!

If you're acutally reading this, why don't you drop a note (not you mom!) and say hello! (she writes me enough as it is!)