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Friday, September 02, 2005

Mmmmmm, Kindred Spirit or, whatever is Tom Greene doing?

So like umm,,
I can tend to get distracted,, (does anything ever get tracted? Tractors could get tracted I guess. I've been attracted. Sometimes I don't even finish parenthesis.

Sometimes when I whisper I'm in parenthesis, it doesn't seem like thats something that could be loud, no one ever says like "PARENTHESIS!!" really really loud,

I find that odd.

watch this.
It's Tom Greene talking about ADD or ADHD or that thing where,, oh look chrome!!!

sometimes I like to prescribe medicine to flowers.
Paxil kills pretty plants,
so does pee.

I once put a cactus on the cocktail.
It didn't go so well,
then again, it didn't ever get syphilus!!

I'm going to make a phone call!!!
this picture is in my neato file!
I have a neato file!

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